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Mission : For a better world, companies to create  a history of 100 years, Vision Statement : Challenge to Create SUStainable Value All Together, Business Target : Begin New Generation 2020, Strategic Direction & Imperatives : 1. Build Customer- Oriented  Operation System 1) Discover Additional End-User 2) Enhance Solution Sales 3) Construct M/I Secure System 2. Maximize  Production  Efficiency 1) Increase Hit-Rate & Minimize Secondary Product 2) Improve On-Time Delivery 3) Reduce Downtime 3. Secure an  Integrated  Management  Structure 1) Securing New Business Execution Ability 2) Redefine Risk Management System 3) Construct Control Tower, Management Concept : 1) Unlimited Sense  of Responsibility 2) Realization  of Possibilities 3) Respect  for Mankind, Core Values : 1) CUSTOMER 2)CHALLENGE 3) COLLABORATION 4) PEOPLE 5) GLOBALITY